Sunderland AFC
Aktualna forma
0 - 1 (do przerwy 0 - 1) Stadium of Light (Sunderland) 06/11/2021 | 16:00Mansfield Town
Aktualna forma
Aktualna forma
Aktualna forma
Stadium of Light (Sunderland) 06/11/2021 | 16:00
- 5'
- 31' 0 - 1
- 46' 0 - 1
- 46' 0 - 1
- 46' 0 - 1
- 46' 0 - 1
- 48'
- 50' 0 - 1
- 60'
- 63'
- 71' 0 - 1
- 80'
- 84'
- 90'