Kolejna dyskusja na temat działań Izraela, czyli potyczka Bartona i Benayouna
2014-07-30 17:49:54; Aktualizacja: 10 lat temu
Znany z ciętego języka i kontrowersyjnych wypowiedzi brytyjski piłkarz Joey Barton ponownie dał o sobie znać.
@Joey7Barton mate things can never changed you have been stupid and you will stay stupid all your life..embarrassing .
— Yossi Benayoun (@YossiBenayoun15) lipiec 25, 2014
This is not war. These are not combatants. They are just innocent children. This is ethnic cleansing. pic.twitter.com/Qf9JabG79Y
— Joseph Barton (@Joey7Barton) lipiec 25, 2014
War? It's not a war. It's a systematic shelling of a piece of land with no regard for the innocent lives below. #stopisraelkillinginnocents Popularne
— Joseph Barton (@Joey7Barton) lipiec 30, 2014
How long can this mindless killing of innocents continue?
— Joseph Barton (@Joey7Barton) lipiec 29, 2014
I cannot continue to engage with these people. Anyone who even attempts to condone the murder of innocent people dosen't deserve a retort.
— Joseph Barton (@Joey7Barton) lipiec 27, 2014
Being criticised for using my profile to raise awareness of fellow human beings being murdered rather tell you what new product is cool...
— Joseph Barton (@Joey7Barton) lipiec 27, 2014